26 Desember 2018
On 23.34 by anya-(aydwprdnya) in 30Hari Bercerita, Ex-Berliner, Friendship, Germany, Jerman, Journey to the West No comments
The first mysterious bouquet of flowers was found in front of this girls' flat door at one morning on last winter. It came with a note of a simple greeting and phone numbers. Those were ignored until the next bouquet appeared on the window the day after. That could be a gesture of admiration or could be not. Five cute girls were living in that flat, nothing was outlandish about the act of fondness. Thing started being creepy when more flowers kept coming. Most of them were placed outside the window facing directly to the street. One bouquet in the morning, disappeared during noon, replaced with another bouquet in the evening. In the other day, nothing until midday, one of those five girls came home to find that there was no flower, half an hour later when another girl out for work, there was another bouquet sitting there!
They never touch any of those flowers. Some weird sounds heard and occasional suspicious shadows through the windows were making things even scarier. One of those girls happened to make an eyes contact with the suspected doer. At the point they considered that mysterious (possibly) guy we called the Uwak Blumen (the flower man) as an act of terror, they reported the event to the landlord. A police report made, there was nothing the police could do as long as there was no physical contact. Fortunately, Uwak Blumen seemed to know what kind of trouble might he had if he continued the act. After the report filed, there were no flower bucket, note, noise over the window, or the leery of shadow. The case officially closed for the girls. Sometimes it still comes up in the middle of our kitchen conversation.
I know that flat since it was still empty with only one tenant living there. Then more people coming, we are happened to come from the same nationality (at least till some times ago). I would say that I am more than just an occasional visitor and the girls living there, they also never see me as a guest, with all the proper meaning. I know where to get a glass to drink my water or where to take some tea if I want to. I'm sure that I know how many plates do they have and where to find some herbs and spice to make my dish tasty. I witnessed much dramas happened in the house, the good times, the not so good times. I considered it as my second home. Home as in where I can just come and do my nap at any bed in there. Home as a place where I can always enjoy my home country dishes. Home as a warm tiny area in the middle of Berlin jungle which never fail to provide me some familiar faces, some eager ears, or just merely a warm hug. That's why, one of my invented wise words to survive Berlin is: when in doubt, take U9 to Hanzaplatz or any S to Tiergarten or bus 106 till Seestrasse, and ring a house at Tile-Wardenberg-Strasse, I would be fine.
* * *
Buket bunga misterius pertama ditemukan di depan pintu apartemen yang dihuni berlima, semuanya wanita, pada suatu pagi musim dingin yang lalu. Bunga tersbeut hadirnya bersama dengan selembar kertas dengan kalimat sapaan dan sebaris nomor telepon di atasnya. Bunga tersebut tidak begitu digubris hingga muncul buket kedua keesokan harinya. Bisa jadi bunga tersebut adalah bentuk kekaguman atau ada yang menaruh hati terhadap salah satu dari kelimanya, namun bisa juga tidak. Dengan situasi lima gadis manis tinggal di hunian yang sama, terasa sangat lumrah jika pada suatu ketika ada yang suka. Hal-hal mulai menakutkan ketika semakin banyak bunga yang berdatangan. Sebagian besarnya diletakkan di sisi luar jendela salah satu kamar yang menghadap langsung ke jalanan. Satu buket di pagi hari, menghilang kala siang, terganti dengan buket lainnya pada sore menjelang malam. Di hari yang lain, tidak ada hal aneh dari pagi hingga tengah hari, salah satu penghuni pulang ke rumah tanpa mendapati bunga apa pun, setengah jam kemudianpenghuni lain keluar rumah untuk bekerja, dan lagi-lagi bunga itu ada!
Mereka memutuskan untuk tidak menyentuh bunga-bunga yang berdatangan. Selain bunga, suara-suara aneh dekat jendela dan bayangan yang kerap muncul tiba-tiba menambah cekam suasana. Salah satu penghuni bahkan sempat beradu mata dengan kemungkinan pelaku yang kami sebut sebagai Uwak Blumen (Blumen=bunga). Kasus ini mulai terhitung sebagai teror hingga diputuskan untuk melaporkannya kepada landlord (bisa disebut sebagai bapak kost). Oleh bapak kost, diproses lah laporan ke kantor polisi walaupun polisi tidak dapat melakukan tindakan apa pun kecuali ada kontak yang sifatnya fisik. Manjur, Uwak Blumen tidak melakukan aksi lanjutan, mungkin menyadari apa yang bisa terjadi jika persisten meneror penghuni apartemen. Situasi kembali aman terkendali, sesekali kami masih membicarakan insiden Uwak Blumen sembari bercakap di dapur menikmati roti.
Tentang flat ini, aku mengenalnya sejak isinya masih satu penghuni saja. Lebih banyak yang datang, semuanya anak Indonesia (setidaknya hingga beberapa saat yang lalu). Aku dengan percaya diri akan mengaku bahwa aku bukan sekadar tamu, pun para penghuni juga tidak merasa begitu, dalam artian yang amelioratif (sesungguhnya aku pengunjung yang datang untuk makan). Dalam hal ini, aku tahu di mana dapat menemukan gelas untuk minum atau kotak teh mana yang boleh aku jarah. Aku yakin aku tahu berapa banyak piring dan mangkuk yang ada di rumah tersebut sebagaimana aku tahu di mana lemari tempat menyimpan segala bumbu dapur jika aku memasak sesuatu. Aku menyaksikan begiru banyak drama, masa-masa indah, pun juga masa yang suram. Aku anggap flat ini adalah rumah kedua. Rumah yang di mana aku bisa datang kemudian tidur siang di salah satu kamar. Rumah yang identik dengan bau masakan khas Indonesia. Rumah yang dalam bentuk blok kecil dari belantara Berlin di mana dapat ditemukan wajah-wajah familiar, telinga yang mendengar, atau sekadar pelukan hangat. Oleh karenanya, salah satu kata-kata mutiara yang aku pegang di sini adalah: jikalau meragu, pergilah dengan U9 ke Hanzaplatz atau S-bahn mana saja menuju Tiergarten atau bus nomor 106 sampai Seestrasse, pencet bel di salah satu rumah di jalan Tile Wardenberg, niscaya aku akan baik saja.
📷 In frame: two of those five Tile-Ward gals
On 23.30 by anya-(aydwprdnya) in 30Hari Bercerita, Cerita Dari Negeri Lain, Fiksi Tapi Bukan, Germany No comments
To open this one I would like to say: being persistent is not easy.
In recent days, I barely stay home. Never flash in my mind before that Berlin summer could be so harsh, even for me who is coming from a tropical island. Some days earlier, staying at the library the whole day was still convenient to do. Up until last two weeks perhaps. Then my mind form getting more unstable, my inner feeling becoming more inert, following the shortening list of (enjoyable) things to do here. At a glance, that list would look like: 1)unplanned early wake up each morning, 2)first contemplation of the day, 3)try-to-be-busy ritual at the kitchen, 4)second contemplation while cooking something, 5)riding the bus number 100 or 200 (because ringbahn would be so warm since 10 in the morning), 6)get lost while riding my bike in semi-dehydrated state, 7)napping under the tree at the side park of Schloss Charlottenburg, and 8)stepping on and off from one supermarket to another. For the last one, yes, I visit those supermarkets more frequently as they are so chiiiiiillll.....
Yesterday, I went to Edeka, the one supermarket close to where I live. That was kinda last minute shopping just because I forgot to buy Ovomaltine (yeah, my fav choco spread) even though I spent a lot of time to cool down myself at REWE and DM. While queuing at the cashier, there was only three customers left: a girl with a cropped top, an old lady with her walking stick, and me. Right in that order. Turned out, the cashier already closed the bookkeeping for the day made the three of us could only pay in exact change or with the card. So unfortunate for the girl with a cropped top, she didn't bring any cash but a 20 Euro bill and some coins. She had to let go of some of the stuff she meant to buy which are a bunch of scallions and a pack of tomatoes. I was thinking if she is one of the students living in the same student wohnung with me and was planning to offer to pay that for her. But before I could jump into the act, the junior helper slash part timer employee standing behind the cashier guy pulled out some coins from his trousers' pocket, counted, and handed some of those coins to the cashier guy. He then grabbed the scallion and tomatoes, put them in front of the girl with a cropped blouse and said, "es wird besser sein, wenn du damit kochst" or at least that was how I heard it. "That will taste better with them."
I promise you that this wouldn't be a speech about money or guidance on how to be an angel in real life. However, this guy did very well with his one euro 30 cents; he made people happy. One, of course, the girl with a cropped top. Two, me for witnessing the scene. Three, the cashier guy. Four, himself. I don't know how about the old lady with her walking stick and another employee who was doing some cleaning, but after all, those were enough happiness to wrap the day.
* * *
Persisten itu susah, cuy! Hahaha..
Beberapa hari belakangan, diam di kamar apartemen yang beralih menjadi sauna adalah tantangan yang berat. Bahkan bagi orang yang selalu mengaku sebagai anak pantai macam aku ini, musim panas ini sungguh keterlaluan. Sebelumnya, main seharian di perpus masih amat sangat menyenangkan. Setidaknya hingga dua minggu sebelum ini. Sampai pada mulai terjadi alterasi bentuk pikir yang kentara labilnya, segala indera yang semakin tidak responsif, mengikuti daftar kegiatan menyenangkan yang sama seperti malam di musim ini, semakin lama semakin pendek saja. Daftar tersebut kurang lebih: 1. Bangun kepagian, walaupun setengah mati ingin bangun lebih siang, 2. kontemplasi pertama, 3. sok-sok sibuk di dapur, 4. kontemplasi lagi sambil tetap sok sibuk di dapur, 5. Muter-muter naik bus nomor 100 atau 200 (karena muter naik kereta sudah tidak senyaman dulu lagi, pengap), 6. tersasar sambil naik sepeda sampai gosong, 7. tidur siang di bawah pohon depan Schloss Charlottenburg (ini museum bagus), dan 8. keluar masuk supermarket demi terkena tiupan pendingin ruangan.
Nah, kemarin kebetulan aku belanja di salah satu supermarket dekat tempat tinggalku, namanya Edeka. Sudah hampir tutup, aku adalah salah satu pembeli terakhir (demi Ovomaltine). Saat mengantre di kasir, tersisa tiga pelanggan saja, berturut-turut: seorang gadis berpakaian cropped top, seorang wanita tua dengan tongkat, dan aku. Ternyata, si mas kasir sudah menutup program pembukuan harian di komputernya sehingga box uang tidak bisa dibuka lagi (mungkin ia sangat ingin cepat pulang, aku bisa mnegerti). Maka pilihan kami hanyalah membayar dengan uang pas atau dengan kartu. Naasnya si gadis berpakaian cropped top ternyata tidak membawa pecahan uang pas, pun tidak menggunakan kartu. Hampir terjadi ia merelakan seikat daun bawang dan satu pak tomat untuk tidak jadi dibeli. Aku berniat membayarkan dua benda tersebut sambil mengingat-ingat mungkin kami tinggal di kompleks apartemen mahasiswa yang sama. Akan tetapi, sebelum aku sempat merealisasikan pikiranku, asisten kasir yang juga pekerja paruh waktu mengeluarkan beberapa koin dari saku celananya, menghitungnya, kemudian menyerahkannya kepada si mas kasir. Diambilnya kembali daun bawang dan tomat yang sempat dipinggirkan, ditaruhnya di hadapan gadis berpakaian cropped top sambil berkata, "Akan lebih enak kalau dimasak dengan ini." (dalam bahasa Jerman).
Ini bukan ceramah tentang keuangan atau pun panduan menjadi malaikat hidup. Hanya saja, lelaki tersebut menggunakan satu euro tiga puluh sennya dengan sangat baik; ia menciptakan kebahagiaan. Satu, bagi gadis berpakaian cropped top tentunya. Dua, bagiku yang menyaksikan adegan tersebut. Tiga, bagi mas kasir yang sempat kebingungan. Empat, bagi dirinya sendiri. Aku tidak yakin bagaimana dengan wanita tua dengan tongkat berjalannya atau salah satu pegawai lain yang tengah membersihkan rak. Bagaimana pun, pada akhirnya, ada lebih dari cukup kebahagiaan di penghujung hari.
Peace, love, berkeringat tengah malam (tapi bukan TB)
On 23.28 by anya-(aydwprdnya) in 30Hari Bercerita, Ex-Berliner, Germany, Jerman, Kontemplasi, Menulis Random No comments
I really want to come up with some stories of my current days. I want to write down some beneficial information related to what am I studying, or some chunks of my utopia future plans. However, this brain doesn't follow what I want. Lately, I seem to be sticking around to some past events and flashbacks.
I know since the beginning that I am no good at depicting and imagining any physical existence in geographical wise. My geospatial intelligence is way down to the ground level. During my life, the only time I cried for study related stuff was on geography subject at my 5th grade. I was studying for such an exemplary student competition thingy the day after when my mom pushed me to remember all the regencies and their capital city in Bali. There were only 9 regencies (and still are) but my brain rejected to keep that information, plus my mom really is a horrible teacher (I am glad that she is actually a midwife), and I cried. Yes, I cried hard and stopped learning anything that day. On the test day, thankfully, none of that geographical stuff appeared among the question. At the same time, I thought that I was crying for nothing. Another milestone on how dumb I am in this geography thing, junior high school, I felt that I was mostly doing well until... I failed Geography. I got a 3.5 out of 10 marks for the test, the lowest point among everyone in my class. I was...surprised...amazed, haha. That was embarrassing of course, but I was aware that I showed such a funny face when the teacher hands me my paper with smiling figure 3 on it.
Not much change about that during high school. My love actually lay at the borderline of natural science and social science. If it were not because I was so annoyed with my incapability in understanding geo, I would be so tempted in taking the social class. I used to say that I grew up failing geography. Many of my weakness also related with that: I struggle a lot in map reading (not just because Allan and Barbara Pease told us so through their book), I'm no use in sensing north-south, and I can't save many countries based or geopolitical information in my head.)
Lately, I try to stop defending my self about my lack and come up with an idea. Maybe I was not failing Geography. Perhaps Geography is the one who fails me, and it's okay. Nobody is good at everything. I may be lame at finding a place, but I could be excellent at tree climbing for example. And..thanks to Google Maps and compass apps for supporting this potential fallacy.
Much love,
I am a night owl, everybody who knows me knows that. I am also in between medium and light sleeper, means I don't do that 8 hours long of the night sleep. The beauty of those two combined is my morning situation must be one of this: either it would be a good-mood-and-ready-to-rock morning or a-just-kill-me-dead-face one. There is nothing in between.
When I was still living most of the time at my parents’ house, I moved between three bedrooms. The first in the middle was the room I used together with my sister when both of us were below 12, and it has a couple of wood framed windows facing to the south with the view of our middle yard. Then, I was getting older, the house got renovated, I switched the room with my granny. The second room was with higher windows on the west side. Nothing much too see from there, only the small aisle separating the main building of our house with our ‘merajan’ (the household temple for prayer). The third room, was the one at the east wing of the house, actually was my brother's but since I was mostly staying at the next city, I preferred to sleep there when I went home. Its windows have a stunning morning scenery because those allowed the morning sun rays entering the room from the east and if I opened the curtain, right outside there are mango and mangosteen trees. Yes, the morning view from the window matters to me. That's why living in the boarding room at Denpasar for years (since 2008) during university life was a little bit frustrating. Not only the tinny space full of my overwhelming stuff but also that there was no proper window with a pretty scene in my dreams.
My current room at this student house is quite acceptable when it comes to the window scenery department. One hefty window, facing south (a little bit south-west, I think), and as a standard German window which I find fancy, it may widely open on its sides, or it can be slide fort and back to sustain the air circulation. Since I have been a renter of this room for an exact one year (yeah, time flies: I am older, my friends are married, and Pokemon Go has released so many new features), this window scenery has never disappointed me. There are a couple of big trees right outside my window, and they were pretty colorful during autumn last year. Then on some winter days, I could spend hours watching the white on heavy snowy days. The best of the best was the quickie spring a few months ago, I had my very own cherry blossoms attraction (figuratively, at least it felt like that). Summer maybe not the best season to describe, it's super warm lately, and the window position is inviting the heat to come through in and trap it like forever. Additionally, there is ongoing construction work around the house that doesn't really help with the temperature. However, if there's this chance to open the window to see those pretty sweating workers abs every single day, for free,... I think I can bear this free sauna.
It's summer, be happy!
Bagi mereka yang telah lama mengenalku, mesti tahu bahwa aku tipe orang yang produktif di malam hari. Aku suka tidur (siapa yang tidak?) tapi aku bukan tukang tidur. Setidaknya bukan tukang tidur malam yang perlu durasi tidur malam delapan jam ke atas. Dua hal tersebut jika dikombinasikan adalah definisi dari situasi pagiku yang entah: bersemangat-segar-ceria-dan-siap-melawan-dunia atau mode-zombie-bunuh-saja-aku. Tidak pernah di antaranya.
Di rumah orang tua, ada setidaknya tiga kamar yang pernah aku kuasai. Yang pertama adalah kamar ruang tengah yang dulunya aku tempati berdua dengan Mbok Tu, kakakku, sampai salah satu dari kami berumur 12 (yang pastinya adalah Mbok Tu). Kamar pertama ini punya dua jendela berbingkai kayu yang pemandangan luarnya adalah sebagain halaman belakang rumah kami. Seiring dengan aku yang bertumbuh, rumah kami sempat direnovasi, dan aku bertukar kamar dengan Mbah, nenekku. Jendela di kamar ini agak jauh lebih tinggi dan tidak banyak yang bisa dilihat selain jalan kecil yang membatasi bangunan rumah dengan merajan kami. Kamar ketiga adalah kamar di sayap timur yang sebenarnya adalah kamar adikku yang sering aku invasi tiap kali pulang. Kamar ini memiliki jendela yang menghadap ke timur, menjadikan pemandangan pagi terbaik yang mungkin ditawarkan sebuah jendela. Juga jika tirainya dibuka, salam hangat dari lambaian daun pohon mangga dan manggis di luar sana. Ya, pemandangan dari jendela adalah penting bagiku. Karenanya, tinggal di rumah kost di Denpasar sejak 2008 sampai lulus kuliah, sampai kemudian bekerja lumayan membuatku frustrasi. Selain kamar sempit yang aku isi paksa dengan barang yang seabrek, juga tidak ada jendela dengan pemandangan yang aku idamkan.
Aku cukup beruntung karena kamar apartementku saat ini sangat bisa diterima dalam hal pemandangan jendela. Hanya satu jendela besar di sisi selatan agak ke barat daya. Layaknya jendela standar Jerman lainnya (yang masih sering membuatku tercengang), jendela ini juga punya beberapa fitur buka: bisa dibuka lebar dari salah satu sisinya, bisa dibuka kecil di sisi atas, dan bisa juga digeser-geser kiri-kanannya. Satu tahun di sini (cepat yah: waktu berlari, teman menikah, Pokemon Go sudah banyak fitur barunya) pemandangan dari jendela ini belum pernah mengecewakanku. Ada dua pohon besar di luar kamarku yang berwarna-warni indah pada bulan-bulan pertama aku pindah musim gugur tahun lalu. Saat musim dingin, walaupun tak sesering itu, menonton salju yang berjatuhan sembari menyelipkan kaki dekat pemanas ruangan adalah hal terbaik yang bisa dilakukan lewat jendela ini. Yang terbaik lainnya adalah atraksi pohon sakura a.k.a cherry blossom yang serasa milik pribadi di musim semi nan singkat kemarin. Sekarang musim panas, pemandangan jendela tidak semenyenangkan itu, posisi jendela ini sangat mengundang hawa panas masuk ke dalam dan memerangkapnya hingga malam. Ditambah lagi, pekerjaan konstruksi yang berlangsung di sekitar rumah tidak membantu sama sekali dalam hal menurunkan temperatur. Bagaimanapun, aku melihat sisi baiknya, jika ada kesempatan membuka lebar jendela dan disambut perut-perut rata berkeringat milik abang-abang pekerja, saban hari tanpa dipungut biaya...aku akan mencoba bertahan dengan sauna gratis ini.
Selamat menikmati panas,
Selalu ceria ^^
1996, on one fine sunny Sunday. Our family before my brother: Bapak, Ibu, my sister Mbok Tu, and little me. We were joining the regular company outing of the bank at where my dad used to work. That day, we went to see the greens at Eka Karya Botanical Garden. It's still inside the island, it even belongs to the same regency as our house but my child sense back then felt that place so far away. That means...EXCITING! Yes, we barely did such family outing, but no, we did not lack in recreational stuff. The things that I could remember, our family excursion was not typical: it could be playing with our cows while my parents harvesting the cacao fruit, could be fishing at the river right at the bottom of the hill behind our house, or could be playing around the pounds while waiting for my mom afternoon shift to be over. We merely seldom traveling for long distance.
Back to that fine Sunday, 1996. One pearl of visiting that botanical garden is that it's commonly tandem with Beratan Lake, located only less than 10 minutes by car to the north. That day, we took the chance to explore the lake by motorboat, I was so excited. As I said, the sunshine was beautifully overwhelming made the day as a perfect day for a picnic but also an excellent day to get sunburn. We were not well prepared, so my dad had to run to the nearest stall and bought us, my sister and I, two hats. Nothing was wrong with that but the fact that my sister got a pretty rounded hat in cheerful colors while I was getting a not-so-ugly-but-not-pretty-sun-hat-with-neck-cover in a combination of abstract blue-white-black colors. I questioned my dad with repetitive why; why sister got that princess hat?; why I should wear the boy hat that I don't think any boy would be happy wearing that?; why couldn't we get a pair of pretty hats? I am almost sure that I cried a little at that time (we had a group picture, with the caps, and I wasn't looked delighted).
My dad, he never really answer the 'why' questions. I'm not so sure if we still keeping the hats or not, maybe somewhere at my parent's house. Up till today, the hat story is still occasionally come up at any family gathering (but it brings me no hurt feeling but laughter). Perhaps the only thing doesn't change at all, as well as the reasons behind the hats, is how tight dad's love always hug us.
* * *
Tahun 1996, satu hari minggu yang indah. Keluarga kami sebelum kami memiliki adik yang paling bontot: Bapak, Ibu, Mbok Tu, and si kecil aku. Hari itu kami ikut serta dalam acara tamasya perusahaan oleh bank swasta tempat bapak bekerja kala itu. Acaranya adalah acara kumpul ceria di sekitar area Kebun Raya Eka Karya, Bedugul. Masih di Bali, bahkan masih di kabupaten yang sama, namun pikiran kanak-kanakku kala itu meyakini bahwa Bedugul itu jauhnya menyaingi jarak inter galaksi (hiperbolis, ding!) Intinya, aku bersemangat luar biasa. Tamasya dan sejenisnya bukan bagian dari rutinitas keluarga kami. Jika pun iya, maka wujudnya sangatlah berbeda: mulai dari main bersama sapi sementara bapak ibu panen buah kakao (bukannya membantu malah main), memancing di kali di bawah semacam bukit yang bisa dicapai dengan menggelinding dari belakang rumah kami, atau bermain di sekitar kolam ikan (yang mungkin sekarang sudah tidak ada) sembari menunggu waktu pergantian jaga sore ibu. Ya, kami hanya jarang bepergian jauh untuk urusan rekreasi. Sekalinya iya, wajarlah jika semangatku luar biasa.
Kembali ke hari minggu yang indah, 1996. Ke Kebun Raya Eka Karya tidaklah lengkap jika tidak mampir ke Danau Beratan dan….naik perahu bermotor keliling danau. Karena hari itu sangat terik, demi tidak terpanggang gosong, bapak pun membelikan masing-masing satu buah topi untuk aku dan mbok tu. Tidak ada yang salah, kecuali bahwa Mbok Tu mendapat topi bundar yang warnanya cantik sementara untukku adalah topi semacam topi baseball yang ada pelindung lehernya dengan corak abstrak biru-putih-hitam. Kalau kata anak millennial, seperti luka tapi tak berdarah. Kenapa Mbok Tu topinya bagus dan centil? Kenapa topiku malah topi untuk anak laki-laki yang aku yakin bahkan tidak ada anak laki-laki yang tertarik memakainya? Kenapa tidak dibelikan topi kembaran saja? Dan seterusnya. Bahkan di foto pun wajahku terekam gundah gulana (mungkin bisa juga lapar).
Bapak tidak pernah menjelaskan dengan lugas perihal topi. Aku sendiri tidak yakin jika kami masih memiliki topi tersebut. Sampai kini, cerita tentang topi kadang masih sering menjadi pengisi sesi cerita lucu di acara keluarga kami. Mungkin salah satu hal yang tidak kunjung berubah, sama halnya dengan alasan di balik topi dari bapak, adalah bagaimana sayangnya bapak selalu memeluk erat kami semua.
Foto hanya ilustrasi semata, diambil saat tahun kemarin mengunjungi Gili Trawangan
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- Event
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- Golden October
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- Journey to the West
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- Sweet Escape
- T World
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- Urip Iku Urup