Defect, anomali...and perspective

29 Mei 2012

On 15.00 by anya-(aydwprdnya) in , , ,    No comments

 “Even it is just a few giving (alms), with the thirst and desire of your heart it will bring great benefits; whereas the bigger amount you give would not be useful if obtained improperly. Magnitude of benefit of a gift is not determined by its amount but the level of feasibility.”
Sarasamuscaya Sloka 184

Fossils and artefacts from the non-human civilization and civilization of human prove that the earth has gone through the ages. But Hindus have their own view on the turnover of the time. They believe that there are four ages that occur alternately as a cycle: Krta Yuga, Trta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga (Yuga is Sanskrit word for era). They also believe that today we are walking on the age of Kali, the age where human being tend to think most about their selves, careless about others and environment. In other words, they say it as the eve of apocalypse.

24 Mei 2012

On 08.40 by anya-(aydwprdnya) in , ,    No comments
Ayahku Hebat!: A Series of My Quality Times

Kalau saja acara televisi yang berjudul serupa masih eksis tayang, mungkin suatu hari aku akan mendaftarkan seorang kandidat sebagai salah satu peserta, walau aku tahu beliau tidak akan pernah mau. Beliau itu penyayang dan penyabar. Beliau selalu punya bakat untuk terlihat menonjol namun tidak menyukai publikasi diri. Beliau selalu ada, tidak malu untuk duduk rendah, selalu mampu memandang tinggi. Beliau adalah representasi seorang pengayom ideal bagiku. Aku memanggilnya bapak.