Defect, anomali...and perspective

27 September 2011

On 23.26 by anya-(aydwprdnya) in ,    No comments
"Who is died, honey?" ["Siapa yang meninggal, Sayang?"]

Today I got few hours free. Normally, I supposed to be at campus till 2 or 3 pm, but I guessed my lecturer forgot the two hundred students who waited for him this morning. He just did not come, and today, automatically, became another waiting-for-nothing day. So I left campus immediately, made some plans to fill my day. At last, totally classic, I am sitting in front of TV, watching the TV show with my laptop open on my lap. 

The TV show has changed twice, noon news at almost every TV station. I have been watching one of them. The third news was a bad news, about a burning ship in Surabaya. The unfortunate happened this morning, reported eight people die and hundreds got serious injuries. During the news, a reporter ask some victim's families. The scene that bother my mind is when the reporter asked an inappropriate question to a crying boy, I guessed he lost his parents.

"Who is died, honey?" ["Siapa yang meninggal, Sayang?"]

Huwooo...what kind of person who ask that kind of question to a little boy who just lost his family? I felt really angry, and really want to ask her (the reporter) how if she was one of victim's family? How would she feel when somebody ask the same question? And above every question, I need to ask her, is it necessary to disturb him with that question? Will his answer change the whole news?

Back to the news, the little boy did not answer her. He just cried louder and louder. I bet the question was really bothers him, as it still bothers my mind so much. Or he was to sad to answer the rude question.

Come on, he is a little boy. Don't we still have any conscience in facing others misery?


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