Defect, anomali...and perspective

4 Agustus 2010

On 20.23 by anya-(aydwprdnya) in    1 comment

I love reading so much. I don't know if I can say it as my hobby but I prefer to say: a habit. I have a billion friends and most of them manifest in book form :p. A side story, when I was child (i still on primary school at that time) my parents ever been very angry to me. Just simple,
one day when I went to school, I read a book while I walking in the street. At the age, I don't know why they got angry to me, I think I don't need to explain it today (Keep your eyes on the book while speeding cars just about 2 feets beside you? Nowaday, I understand, that not just dangerous, but also stupid.) I decided to do SAFE reading. But still love reading, I read while I having breakfast (I think every I have meal), in the bathroom, before I go to the bed, every I get rise in the morning, and sometimes in the classroom when the lesson get boring. I have no reason, just love it.

Today, I still love it. But so sad, live as medical student, I don't know how, decrease my reading speed. I don't mean to say that I don't like reading anymore. Read to many heavy books (I'll make it sure, read the medical books isn't good choise in entertaining ur self) has increase my level of stress, set my mind into tired mode, and think as a lazy one"I quit today, I'll be back for read it tomorrow" everyday. :(
Stop to talk bout the embarassing things. I forgot that my main aim is to share so many benefits I've gotten from the books I've read. And the most I like, many books take it place in inspiring a half (may be two-thirds) of my life.


I read Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert last week. The book tells about a woman life, with her miryad of problems, which then decided to travel the world. More precisely, she visited Italy, India and Indonesia (Bali: my lovely island). Not just visited, she stayed in each place for a while. Italy brought her hapiness back, in India she got her way to meet her spiritual life and in Indonesia she found completely how beautiful her life is.

Honestly, I felt that Eliz has some similar trait with me. Hoho, I don't say that I'm a kind of good writer like her but I found a little similarity in our way to face the world. EVERY PEOPLE HAVE THEIR OWN PROBLEMS. Read these book, I could see into my self deeply. I've written some of my weakness, I've put it into my own list:
  • I'm afraid I have no reason for everything I do. Do I really need a reason? How if I just want to do that?
  • I'm afraid people will blame me if I made a mistake. How can? Einstein must be ever made a mistake. A mistaken just a way to learn more.
  • I'm afraid i'll lost my friend if I did something they dont like. Friend is somebody u can share ur secret with. Somebody who will stay along ur side no matter who u are. They dont like what u do and then they leave u go? They are not ur friends.
Some people think that talking about their weakness is embarrassing. But after read the book, I know, we need to be more brave and need more power to know what our weakness are.

Now I've been strengthen.
The most interesting part of the book (for me) is when Elizabeth talk to her friend about how can we describe something in a word.
I wonted to say everything in long phrase, but today I'll try in a word (like Elizabeth did). The only word for me today is BRIGHT. I dont know why.

1 komentar:

  1. Nice post, Keep on writing nya, Do u know when this movie'll be released?
    if u don't mind, visit it's mine
